Mike Jackson
Born in 1962 to a working class Manchester family, Mike Jackson grew up in a warm family surrounding with honest values. He left school with few qualifications but with a great love of art. However, he was encouraged to learn a trade so 'he would always have something to fall back on'. He became a Butcher. After a wide and varied career path he eventually pursued the artistic path and became a Graphic Designer. He bought the various computer packages along with an Apple Mac and taught himself. Mike Jackson was lucky enough to gain access into the Commercial Art world and he stayed there, learning from mistakes and increasing in knowledge and experience for about 12 years. In the meantime he was developing his illustration skills and learning different medias until he felt he was good enough to sell some of his paintings.
For years after that Mike Jackson concentrated on perfecting his watercolour skills and felt that this was the path for him. He was quite a successful watercolour artist for many years and was pushed by a friend who has a gallery in Somerset to try out acrylics. This he did, and to his surprise he absolutely loved them. He had no formal training in art so he had to learn by his own mistakes.